That some days are more turbulent and worrisome than others, I’ve known since a long time ago. Our lives go in waves as it seems the Universe is created this way. Denying this means denying our own selves – and thus accepting it means flourishing in an auspicious environment.
But sometimes it is easy to get carried away in a swirl of emotions. This process is characterized easily: I start thinking other people have something to do with my inner feelings. This guy looks at me in a wrong way. This girl doesn’t act like a friend any more. The world starts turning grey with every new blink of an eye.
I am way better with these things now. It used to be dark, and almost at once… and for a long while. But what is gone is not that interesting any more. Right now is always the most important moment… and so it’s always been for me, either I was aware of it or not.