During our meeting today the door was locked and kept making noises. It seemed someone was trying to get in, we checked, and no one was there. It made noises systematically, and the topic of our conversation turned to it several times.
I don’t know how it is to die. Neither I can tell what comes after, no one has ever returned. Still, what unites us, no matter how different we are, is the fact that some day we will come to this door, and thus we can surely tell the door is there and waiting for us to reach it. Because otherwise how can we explain the fact then when each of us comes, it’s already there, ready to take us in?
I am talking about the final door. You can call it anything else or make up any other picture in your mind, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know how it is but I realize that this feeling of crossing the threshold is already in the set of feelings in my head. How come that I’ve never been there and can imagine the feeling?